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如何申請德國延期簽證?簡單五步驟 How to apply for German VISA extension/ Residence Permit? (5 Steps + Email Template German, English, Chinese)

Since it’s about time for some of the newbies in town to make an appointment with the German foreign office (Ausländerbehörde) for their VISA extension. I am sharing my step by step advice & email template for it. Most of the authorities in Germany do not speak English, thus, it is highly recommended that you communicate with them in German (else it’s possible that you’ll be ignored and never heard back from them).

Step 1: Make an appointment with the German foreign office (Ausländerbehörde) via Email (at least 3 months in advance)

I will translate the template into both English and Chinese, Please customize the content to match your personal details!!

**It is recommended to make your appointment at least 3 months before your VISA expires so DON’T WAIT!! (I did it 5 months in advance)**

Email Template (German)

Email Betreff: Guten Tag, Ich brauche einen Termin zur Bewerbung auf einen Aufenthaltstitel
Sehr geerhte Damen und Herren,
Ich heiße (Reisepassname) und komme aus (Nationalität). Jetzt bin ich eine (Studentin/ Student) von (Name Ihrer Universität). Ich brauche einen Termin zur Bewerbung auf einen Aufenthaltstitel. Mein Studium ist auf Englisch und ich spreche nicht gut Deutsch. Die Nummer meines Reisepasses ist XXXXXXXXX und die meines Visums ist XXXXXXXX. Mein Visum wird am (XX . XX . 20XX) überfällig seien.
Danke im Voraus für Ihre Hilfe.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen

English Translation:

Email Title: Good day, I need an appointment to apply for a residence permit.


Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

My name is (Passport Full Name) and I come from (Nationality). I am now a (female student/ male student) from (Name of University). I need an appointment to apply for my residence permit. My study program is in English and I can’t speak German. The number of my passport is (XXXXXX ) and the number of my VISA is (XXXXXXXX). My VISA will be expired on (DD, MM,YYYY). Thank you for your help in advance.

Best Regards,

(Passport Full Name)


信件主旨: 你好, 我需要為申請居留證預約一個時段



我的名字是(護照全名),我來自(國籍)。我目前是一位(女學生/男學生)就讀於(學校全名)。我需要為申請居留證預約一個時段。我的學程是以英文授課且我不會說德文。我的護照號碼是(XXXXXX )、簽證號碼是(XXXXXX )。我的簽證將於(某日.某月.某年)到期。 感謝您的協助。

Best Regards,


Step 2: Where to find the German Foreign Office contact Email?

  1. Normally the website of the foreign office is (for example: or Google: City + Ausländerbehörde
  2. Find & Click “Rathaus” (City Hall)
  3. Find & Click ” Ausländerbehörde” (Foreigners Authority)
  4. Find the contact email there and send the above email to make an appointment

Step 3: Receive a Reply Email from the German Foreign Office

The response will normally include:

  1. Exact date and time of your appointment
  2. Things to prepare and bring to the appointment

The Response I received is as below (content may subject to changes, please prepare your documents according to the response you receive.)

English Translation:

Step 4: Document Preparation- Where to download Application Form?

Search for “Aufenthaltstitel, Antrag auf Erteilung bzw. Verlängerung” directly on the foreign office website.

*Step 5: Ask your University International Office to Double Check Your Document for You

This step is completely optional, but I highly recommend everyone to do it! My university international office provided me with an official “Letter of Support” and “Transcript of Records” (both with official university stamp) after I told them I was going to extend my VISA and asked them to double check my documents for me. (Both documents helped a lot!)


The above are my 5-step advice and email template for applying German VISA extension. Hope you find it helpful. Wish you all much success with your VISA! 🙂

1 thought on “如何申請德國延期簽證?簡單五步驟 How to apply for German VISA extension/ Residence Permit? (5 Steps + Email Template German, English, Chinese)

  1. This is very useful information for those of you who have studied abroad, let us know in the comments if you can think of any more good reasons to study abroad and whether you agree with the list so far! Thanks again for the post.

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